Back To Focus

The beginning of my year has already presented me with a few challenges that have tested me.  For sure it’s because I have been called to apply ALL the information I’ve gathered about myself and others along the way to my life in pretty much EVERY area.  What I’m coming to love and appreciate about those tests are that they’ve given me visibility into the ways in which I’ve changed, my patience, my resolve, my awareness and the depths of my compassion.  The old me….she wasn’t patient with herself the way she needed to be so there was little of that extended to others.  In full transparency, I was knocking everything over anywhere I went when emotions were high and challenges were presented with little forethought or apology.

Despite the early hiccups, I believe deeply that this New Year will be the time I’d see some of the manifestations of my decisions from the previous years.  Intuitively, I’ve just felt it at the soul level.  Every year that has preceded this one was filled with some sort of loss, sacrifice, new levels of commitment, tough decisions, varying degrees of change (wanted and unwanted), healing and growth.  That work forced me to navigate so many different interpersonal levels within myself…HOWEVER, I was determined to press through it all no matter the pressure I felt. It was almost as if I knew I had no choice but to push through it like my baby girl always says…and so I’ve pushed!

All of that is why this year for me has to be about bringing EVERY area of my life back into focus and alignment with the self I have uncovered.  Mentally, Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally….Every place I’ve doubted myself or sold myself short are the places where I really want healing and growth to illuminate my transformation.  I’ve learned that not believing you are worthy or deserving, or that something is even possible for you, can stall you in ways that set you back in time and keep you stuck in those feelings that your dreams are unrealistic.  There is no more room for hesitation or self-imposed delays.  It’s time to move ahead of the worry or inability to see that you are the only mountain standing in your way to balanced living and goal accomplishment.

What you stay focused on will grow.
— Roy T Bennett

Though I make it sound easy, it’s never lost on me that the real work starts at your ability to see what you want to realize, the steps you capture to accomplish them, and the moves you make towards that realization.  I always have told my clients to take their goals, put them in manageable steps and check them off as they move towards goal completion.  Smaller steps help you navigate the changes in your life and circumstances that will surely happen as you progress.  It helps you master flexibility and embrace the fluidity of life……as it continues to test your gangta!  If something begins to impact your plans in a way that forces a shift or adjustment, it’s easier to manipulate those smaller steps to meet that redirection head on.

2024 is the year that we should be working towards elevated FOCUS.  Bringing things back to center that we find valuable.  I truly feel that we are being called to identify and eliminate distractions.  This is the year we take our goals seriously and do whatever it takes to see them come to fruition.  Get out of the restrictive energy that doesn’t allow you to see what is possible for you. That will at times mean getting AWAY from people who create the energy that clouds your judgment and obstructs your view.  This is the year we choose Peace over Chaos & Confusion because we don’t have time for it.  This is the year we release strong holds that shift our perspective around our self-worth and our ideas surrounding what we deserve.  Excuses are no longer allowed because truthfully, we are on borrowed time. Tomorrow is a gift not given to every one of us so today is all we can cherish.  Change your mind to reflect this concept: This moment is the last time you’ll ever be in this moment.  You can never come back to this moment to do a different thing, be a different version of you, say a different thing, or represent yourself in the highest energy possible.  This is it and if THIS moment is all you will ever have, be intentional about how you manage it. Get Back To Focus!

Love Y’all! Mean It!



Meet The Moment


Healing Is Not Linear