Meet The Moment

We get to decide where we land in life because we are making the decisions that position us in those places.  The last year or so, I’ve been doing nothing but taking huge leaps and bounds towards where I have seen myself being. Working overtime to realize my vision.  At first it felt okay because there were some immediate rewards that were tangible.  But then, as some of the delayed consequences started to show themselves to me, it started to feel like a tight squeeze the closer I found myself to the outcome.  I’m learning that we inadvertently at times, let doubt and fear creep in when we get close to a goal.  Maybe it is out of feeling as if we don’t deserve it or that we won’t be able to preserve it and truly enjoy it when it comes along.  The mind will lead you down a path that will talk you out of the beauty of your blessing before you even reach it.

All the emotions that come with sacrifice and change makes me wonder if maybe we are naturally wired to default into a place of self-doubt when things seem too good to be true …despite how much we have grown holistically (especially since growth is not linear!).  It makes the landing softer if things don’t go exactly as we see them, so we prepare for that very thing.  It makes any disappointment we might face a little more palpable because we anticipated it.  Maybe that’s why we meet that disappointment so much and feed into that mindset with more and more ease.  We are absolutely manifesting it…so what do we do to shift the wiring?!?!

We Meet The Moment

The simplest and most important thing we can do is rise to the occasion of life.  Combat fear with faith.  Defeat hopelessness with assuredness.  Though we should not have to continuously learn what we are capable of, life is more than prepared to remind us that there is nothing we can’t come up against and conquer if we believe in our power to do so.  In the moments that I feel unsure, I meet that moment with EVIDENCE.  I’ve already conquered.  I’ve already succeeded.  I’ve already overcome.  I’ve already been victorious.  There are so many spaces we’ve been in that we’ve met the challenge and found success.  Those are the places we must use to find proof we won’t lose anything because nothing is ever a loss.

This Mindset Is A Choice

In order to get away from a mindset that doesn’t allow us to see the benefits and beauty in every situation we encounter, we have to make the choice to do so.  Our lives must change to do so.  A change in perspective is necessary for us to BE SO!  With every choice, decision, or challenge, we are building up our strength, fortifying our resistance, and adding tools to our toolbox that allow us to stay the Divine Path with our inner balance and peace intact.  This toolbox is going with us so what we put in it to reach for is so important and I’ve kept that in the forefront of my mind since I became aware of that.  I always have to reach for things I’ve learned along the way to help me when I am navigating because there is no one size fits all when life is happening.  This is why building a solid collection of life tools is so important.  You will need a variety of things to build, repair or tear down as you continue living and life continues lifing!

At the end of the day, we can never choose what we come up against and we can’t predict how it will make us feel.  What we can control is how we stand and face it, how we choose to view it and how we decide to let it impact us.  No matter what though Loves… Meet The Moment.

Love & Light Energy

Coach Nita


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